Have you wanted to improve your writing? Could you or your business use a little assistance in the written word department? The first SWEP meeting of 2014 could be just the thing to help you. The next meeting entitled “Writing Well to Improve Your Business” is Wednesday February 12 to be presented by Vicki Kraus. Ms. Kraus works for Environmental Technical Writing Company, LLC. Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. has offered the use of their facility for the meeting (2650 E 40th Avenue, Denver, CO 80205). Please contact us if you have any questions at [email protected]. You can review the meeting information here.
Who We Are
The Society of Women Environmental Professionals (SWEP) is a national non-profit professional association of women involved or interested in environmental law, science, education, business, and policy. Our Rocky Mountain Chapter serves as a resource for members in the Rocky Mountain region, providing opportunities for professional development through, networking, mentoring, and public service.
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