Category Archives: News

May Luncheon with Financial Advisor, Bill DeWandeler

A Woman’s Journey Towards Financial Independence

Today’s women are independent, expert task managers who juggle multiple roles. In addition to building thriving careers, they keep their homes in check and are primary caregivers to  their children and aging parents. Along the way, women also find the time to manage the family finances and are faced with unique challenges to their financial security, especially when it comes to retirement savings.  Bill’s presentation will discuss these challenges in detail and provide some basic investing strategies to help you take control and shape your financial future.

Time/Date: Monday, May 6th 12:00 to 1:00 PM. Registration begins at 11:45

Location: Tetra Tech Office, 350 Indiana Street, Golden, CO 80401                       4th Floor Conference Room (Copper Conference Room)

RSVP by April 29th to [email protected]


First meeting of 2013

Happy New Year everyone!  Our first meeting of the year will take place on Wednesday February 13 at Geotech’s office.  Donna Feldman, a business coach and consultant, will teach us “How to Really Use LinkedIn”.  Please click here for more information and to view the invitation.  Hope you can make it!

Successful November 15th Luncheon at CDPHE

A special thank you goes to our November luncheon speaker Lisa Clarke!  She gave a wonderful and informative presentation regarding Regional Haze.  If you would like to see her presentation, Lisa has graciously provided her PowerPoint presentation and speaking notes for our members.  Please click here to view her presentation.